Category: Claudes Corner
Claude’s Corner – November 2022
I hope you and your bees are well. I try to write something each month that is related to the season and that hopefully will help you make timely management decisions. In November, I don’t write about swarming, queen rearing, splitting hives, etc. The days are getting shorter, it’s getting colder, the bees are…
Claude’s Corner – October 2022
I hope you and your bees are well. Beekeepers are and should be, weather geeks. As I write, Hurricane Ian nears Florida landfall with 155 mph winds. While I feel deeply about the negative impact that storm will have on the Floridians, I have our local bee weather conditions in mind and Jack Frost is…
Claude’s Corner – September 2022
I hope you and your bees are well. As I go about my beekeeping chores of the moment, something will happen that will give me an idea for a topic to discuss in the corner. I will jot the idea down before I forget the topic and put this scrap of paper in a file…
Claude’s Corner – July 2022
I hope you and your bees are well! The beginning and ending of the major honey flow (when nectar is in abundance) is a moving target, so no one can state with specificity a date, but generally the honey flow ends about the middle of June, and certainly by July 1. With this in mind,…
Claude’s Corner – June 2022
I hope you and your bees are well. I jot down notes to myself as I have experiences that I think you might find of interest. The note in front of me is “Try Something New” and I originally planned on writing about something I am currently trying out. But that must wait until later…
Claude’s Corner – May 2022
I agreed to write a monthly column for the OCBA newsletter on a subject of my own choosing relating to beekeeping. It is my goal to use this space to relate and experience or technique that will be helpful and informative towards our collective purpose of good honey bee stewardship and responsible management. Let’s get…